
For web use, the text has been arbitrarily split into fewer (larger) pages than the original. The Table of Contents is displayed by clicking on the striped icon at top left - this is identical to the original contents layout and links to the appropriate part of the appropriate page as required. Click the icon again to hide the Table of Contents.

The book can also be navigated by going to the next or previous page via the blue arrows.


Miss Hagen's 1929 book has long been out of print and very few hardcopies remain. An original hardcopy has been carefully scanned and converted to be available here on the internet.

This has been done as a tribute to the considerable contribution to the life of Ropley by Miss Hagen, both in her lifetime and now in the 21st century. The Coffee Room, which she so kindly donated to the village, is still in daily use and is a much valued asset to the social life of the village. Miss Hagen died in 1932.

The book provides a fascinating record of facts and stories about old Ropley.

The text of the book has not been changed or "modernised" in any way. Only very obvious printing errors were corrected.

The website has been refreshed using Foundation in 2014 to make it responsive and easier to access on tablets and phones.

It is almost inevitable that errors have been introduced during the OCR process - if anybody spots one, please let me know via email.

Ron Beal, July 2014 -

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